Critic of ICNIRP & WHO International EMF Project & the IEEE

dinsdag, 12 april 2016 - Categorie: Artikelen

april 2016

Critic of ICNIRP (International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection)
& WHO International EMF Project & the IEEE

Neil Cherry (2002): Criticism of the health assessment in the ICNIRP guidelines for radiofrequency and microwave radiation (100 kHz - 300 GHz)

''The ICNIRP Game:

ICNIRP is playing its own game and setting its own rules. It is the game that is played by national authorities which, as a team, they feel very comfortable with it. The name of the team is ''The Consensus of Science''. However, it involves quite a small and very select team that includes national experts who come from national authorities who subscribe to the rules of the ICNIRP game.

In the ICNIRP game the first rule is that there is only a tissue heating effect from RF/MW exposure. You must agree with this rule to play the ICNIRP game. As a consequence of this rule, in the ICNIRP game, all other biological effects are not real and any epidemiological study that shows an effect with non-thermal exposure, must be faulty and will be rejected. In other words, if you break this rule you are out of the game. In this game it is fine to change the rules about acceptable significant, what is evidence, and criteria for how a biological effect is established. In this game a study does not provide evidence until it has been exactly replicated.''

In bovenstaande link een zeer uitvoerig overzicht van commentaar, met verwijzingen, op de ICNIRP & WHO en IEEE, met als bijzonderheid dat het uit 2002 dateert, maar nog steeds van toepassing is.

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