Rise of patients in 40s suffering from dementia
zondag, 09 augustus 2015 - Categorie: Artikelen
Bron: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3186583/Rise-patients-40s-suffering-dementia-Researchers-warn-silent-epidemic-early-onset-disease.html
6 aug. 2015
Rise of patients in 40s suffering from dementia: Researchers warn of 'silent epidemic' of early onset of the disease
. Early-onset dementia is striking people even younger, some in their 40s
. Researchers warn of a silent epidemic in early diagnosis of condition
. Says factors such as pollution from planes and cars could be to blame
People are getting dementia earlier, with those in their late 40s now regularly diagnosed with the disease.
Two decades ago, early-onset dementia was usually diagnosed in patients in their late 60s – but it is now often striking those who are even younger, a study found.
Researchers warned of a ‘silent epidemic’ and believe environmental factors are playing a key role in its increasingly early development.
While the study found no single factor was responsible for the rise, pollution from aeroplanes and cars is believed to play a ‘major part’.
Colin Pritchard, a researcher from Bournemouth University, told The Times: ‘The rate of increase in such a short time suggests a silent or even a “hidden” epidemic, in which environmental factors must play a major part, not just ageing.’
He added: 'The environmental changes in the last 20 years have seen indreases in the human environment of petro-chemicals - air-transport, quadrupling of mototvehicles, isecticides and rises in background electro-magnetic field, and so on ... It is not that we want to stop the modern world, but rather make it safer.'
The team believe that the rise in early-onset dementia cannot be explained away by better diagnosis rates or the fact that the population is aging. Their study also found death rates from the illness are soaring, with deaths in over-75s ‘virtually doubling’.
Using cancer mortality rates and heart-related deaths as controlling factors, researchers found that dementia had still risen markedly.
It also suggested that the major health campaigns like those raising awareness of heart disease and cancer had not been seen in the neurological field.
Their research, conducted across 20 developed nations over 11 years, also discovered that the illness ‘disproportionately increased’ in some Western countries in people aged 45 to 74, with women usually more at risk.
Males over 75 from Finland were found to be those most at risk from dying of the disease, with 19,987 per million losing their lives.
In the UK, the death rate is 6,862 per million for men of the same age. For British women over 75, 9,144 per million lost their lives.
Age UK said the elderly can help prevent the illness by exercising three to five times a week for 30 minutes and quitting smoking.
People are also encouraged to drink in moderation and eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.
The researchers also suggested that the major health campaigns like those raising awareness for heart disease and cancer have not been seen for neurological illnesses.
EMV, zowel laagfrequent als radiofrequent, zouden wel eens een zeer belangrijke factor kunnen zijn in de toename van dementie op jongere leeftijd. EMV werken onder meer direct op onze hersenen in en dat is niet het geval voor fijnstof bijv., daar zou je eerder longproblemen verwachten.
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