Ierland: Bedreiging van kankerspecialist

dinsdag, 26 mei 2015 - Categorie: Artikelen

Bron: ingezonden mail

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Words like epidemic and genocide accompany discussion of the proliferation of microwave technology. Indeed, it was Dr. Devra Davis, epidemiologist and author of Disconnect and founder of the Environmental Health Trust in the United States, who first coined the phrase “the slow roll-out of an epidemic” of a host of diseases including cancer.
The predicted epidemic has also been anticipated by the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland five years ago when they sought more money to protect patients while in care.
Evidence - if not proof - of the emerging cancer epidemic comes from a top Irish medic who claimed his job was threatened (a common occurrence in the scientific community) for questioning the health service. The following article is instructive

There are other medical professionals in Europe who are on the firing line who wish to remain anonymous.
It is worth noting that the introduction of driverless vehicles can/will have an impact on car owners. If General Motors is not challenged by it's claim to ownership of software which makes a car work, companies and governments can/will control the car owner's ability to travel in their own vehicles. This is an important issue for personal freedom.
Again, thank you to Lyn McLean, Australia, Josh del Sol, U.S.A., and Martin Weatherall, Canada, for their leadership and sharing their work.

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