Cell phones: more than a voice in your ear
zaterdag, 04 april 2015 - Categorie: Artikelen
Bron: www.earth-matters.nl/11/10604/verborgen-nieuws/cell-phones-more-than-a-voice-in-your-ear .
(Thrive Movement | Kimberly Carter Gamble) When cell phones first came out, I used to hold mine directly up to my ear for what amounted to hours a day. A few years ago, I had surgery for removal of cancer in the exact spot I held my phone. I can’t prove direct causation, but that’s when I started looking into the possible ramifications of radiation from cell phones.
After that, I started reading the small print that came with the cell phones I bought, and noticed even they had warnings about the radiation. But it took some real sleuthing to find it. Take Apple, for example; the manual tells you to go to the Apple website for a detailed explanation of safety. After sorting thru looking for the right link, you open the document where it tells you to go look on your phone. To access the info on the phone, you go to Settings > General > About > Legal > RF Exposure. It’s pretty daunting, and within the info, they refer you back to their website for more info on their testing. The process is quite a run-around.
Knowing that not everyone has the time or inclination to do the research needed to figure out what’s true and what habits would help keep us all safer, the THRIVE team created this infographic for you to see and share.
I offer it here with thanks to Kevin Kunze, who dedicated years of his life to researching and documenting the consequences of exposure to cell phone radiation. He made the new documentary Mobilize, which I wholeheartedly recommend and which is premiering in San Francisco at the Castro Theater on September 13th. It is also available to watch for a much-needed, well-deserved fee of $4.00.
Given our dependence on cell phones, it’s good to know that making a few small adjustments can drastically reduce our exposure to radiation. We encourage you to share these helpful tips with your friends and loved ones.
Below are some of the best resources I’ve found about cell phone radiation, including warnings in the manuals from the major cellular companies.
Below are some of the best resources I’ve found about cell phone radiation, including warnings in the manuals from the major cellular companies.
Hieronder de lange lijst referenties zonder links, zie daarvoor de link bovenaan naar het Earth Matters verhaal
General Information
• Cell Phone Radiation Infographic
• MOBILIZE Documentary exploring the potential long-term health effects from cell phone radiation
• Cell Phone RF Warnings With important exposure information highlighted
• Cell Phone Fine Print Warnings— Environmental Health Trust. List of fine print warnings in cell phone manuals
• Cell phones with the lowest radiation levels (photos) — CNET
• Cell phones with the highest radiation levels (pictures) — CNET
• 20 Highest and Lowest Radiation Cell Phones — ProCon.org
• The 10 Highest Radiation Cell Phones (and How to Protect Yourself) — Gaiam TV
• Cell Phones and Cell Biology: Are We Selling Out?— Huffington Post. David Katz expresses concerns about gadgets overriding safety sense
• Lying Is an Economic Necessity— Between a Rock & a Hard Place. Blog on cell phone radiation and corruption of evidence in research
• Electromagnetic Radiation Safety Resource on cell phone, links to health and legal issues, and risks
• Teléfonos Celulares y Salud— EMFacts Consultancy/Joel Moskowitz. Cell phones & health (Spanish)
Health Risks
• Cellphones and Health— EMFacts Consultancy/Joel Moskowitz. Health effects of EMR exposure from cellphones, Wi-Fi & smart meters
• Mobile phones cause ‘five-fold increase in brain cancer risk’ — The Telegraph
• New Evidence Identifies Strong Cell Phone Cancer Link— Mercola.com. Commentary on studies showing increase in cancer use linked with cell phones
• NEW Urgent Warning to All Cell Phone Users — Mercola.com
• Doctors warn of breast-cancer link to keeping cell phone in bra — KTVU.com
• Previously unaccounted mechanism proposed for cell phone radiation damage — Phys Org
• Warning: Your Cell Phone May Be Hazardous to Your Health — GQ
• Beyond Brain Cancer: Other Possible Dangers Of Cell Phones — Huffington Post
• Exposing the Industry’s Lies About Cell Phone Radiation— Consumers for Safe Phones
Resource on cell phone risks
• Drs. Oz & Gupta Caution About Cell Phones — Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
• IARC Classifies Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields As Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans — WHO
• IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans — WHO
• WHO: Cell phone use can increase possible cancer risk — CNN
• Electromagnetic fields and public health: mobile phones— WHO. Fact sheet on cell phone health effects
• WHO Says Cell Phone Radiation Is “Possibly Carcinogenic.” Now What? — Time
• Mobile phones cause changes in metabolism — Bangladesh News
• Guideline of the Austrian Medical Association for the diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illnesses (EMF syndrome)— Freiberg Appeal. Austrian Medical Association warns against cell phones & EMFs
• Risks and causes of salivary gland cancer— Cancer Research UK. Recommends limiting cell phone use to reduce cancer risk
• Heavy Cell Phone Use Linked To Cancer, Study Suggests— Science Daily. Commentary on Israeli cell phone/cancer study
• Chinese Put Cancer of the Parotid Gland on Center Stage— Microwave News. Chinese study of increased parotid gland tumors linked to cell phones
• Health and Safety Fact Sheets— International Association of Fire Fighters. IAFF opposes cell phone towers in stations because of health concerns
• Guest Opinion: The health costs of cell phone towers — Herald Media
Risks to Children
• Are Cell Phones Hazardous to Our Kids’ Health?— Parenting. Recommendation for safe cell phone use
• How Cell Phones Affect A Child’s Brain — Environmental Health Trust
• Children and Mobile Phones: The Health of the Following Generations Is in Danger— Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Warns cell phones are unsafe
• Do communication technologies and environmental exposures affect the risk of brain tumors in young people?— Mobi-Kids. Ongoing study of kids with brain tumors and increased cell phone exposure
• Cell Phones, Radiation & Your Child’s Health— Healthy Child Healthy World Devra Davis blogs about children’s safety with cell phones
• Is Wi-Fi Safe for Children? Beware of Health Risks— Safe In School. List of schools & libraries in Canada & other countries that have banned Wi-Fi
• VIDEO: Sue Grey, an Environmental Lawyer talks about Wi-Fi in Schools
• Media Use by Children Younger Than 2 Years— American Academy of Pediatrics AAP’s policy statement on use of electronics with young children
• UK Schools warned over mobile phones— Cellular Online. UK Dept. of Ed warns against use of cellphones by children
• Kids’ Cell Phone Ownership Has Dramatically Increased in Past Five Years— Mediamark Research & Intelligence. MRI American Kids research study — Data on kids’ cell phone ownership
• French Health Agency Recommends Children and Vulnerable Groups Reduce Cell Phone Radiation Exposure— PRLog French “EPA” recommends reduced cell phone radiation exposure for kids and pregnant women
Risks to Reproduction
• Cell Phone Radiation Damages Sperm, Studies Find— Environmental Working Group
Cell phones damages sperm + list of peer reviewed studies on reproductive damage from cell phones
• Cell Phone Use Linked to Male Infertility — WebMD
• New Study Shows That Mobile Phones May Have Negative Effect On Sperm Count — Patient First Wellness
• Guys, Your Smartphone Is Hurting Your Sperm— Time
Cell phones and lower sperm count
• Cell phone use in pregnancy may cause behavioral disorders in offspring — YaleNews
• Fetal Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure From 800–1900 Mhz-Rated Cellular Telephones Affects Neurodevelopment and Behavior in Mice— Nature. Cell phones may cause ADHD
Research Studies
• Papers/Publications— EMFacts Consultancy/Joel Moskowitz. Collection of papers on research on cell phone health risks
• Study: Cell Phones Cause Changes in Brain Activity — Time
• Case-control study of the association between malignant brain tumours diagnosed between 2007 and 2009 and mobile and cordless phone use— Spandidos Publications
Research study supporting the hypothesis that RF-EMFs play a role both in the initiation and promotion stages of carcinogenesis
• Pooled analysis of case-control studies on acoustic neuroma diagnosed 1997–2003 and 2007–2009 and use of mobile and cordless phones— Spandidos Publications
This study confirms previous results demonstrating an association between mobile and cordless phone use and acoustic neuroma.
• Mobile phones, cordless phones and the risk for brain tumours— International Journal of Oncology. Study of increased likelihood of brain tumors
• Cellular Phone Use and Risk of Benign and Malignant Parotid Gland Tumors—A Nationwide Case-Control Study— American Journal of Epidemiology. Israeli study linking cell phone use and increased risk of parotid gland tumors
• Mobile phone use and health symptoms in children— Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. Study indicates increased headaches for kids with cell phone exposure
• The effects of prenatal exposure to a 900-MHz electromagnetic field on the 21-day-old male rat heart — Pub Med
• Cell biology and EMF safety standards— Pub Med. Safety standards should be biologically based
Electromagnetic Radiation Testing
• Mobile Communications— Cetecom. Types of testing available for cell phones
• Wi-Fi® / Mobile Converged Devices— Cetecom. Wi-Fi testing
Regulatory Activity
• Governments and Organizations That Ban or Warn Against Wireless Technology — Cellular Phone Task Force. News on cell phone bans, limitations and safety risks
• India Adopts Health Warnings & U.S. Mobile Phone Standards— EMFacts Consultancy/Joel Moskowitz. Countries that have adopted standards and warnings for cell phone use
• Maine to Consider Cell Phone Cancer Warning— Natural Health Strategies Background on Maine’s attempt to put warnings on cell phones
• Many Nations Banning or Limiting Cell Phone Use by Children— Dr. Ben Kim. Countries that recommend limits of cell phones for children
• GAO Urges FCC to Revise Cell Phone Radiation Limits — PCMag.com
• Petition of physicians in Germany recommending banning cellphones for children
• Legislative period 23. 07. 2007 Answer of the German Federal Government— German Parliament. German Parliament recommends against Wi-Fi in schools
• EU calls for urgent action on wi-fi radiation— New Zealand Herald. European Environment Agency calls for reduction of Wi-Fi, cell phone radiation
• The Venice Resolution— International Commission of Electromagnetic Safety
Recommends limitations on cell phone use
• Is the FCC Downplaying Potential Risks from Cell Phone Radiation? — Mother Jones
• CDC backpedals, claims it was a mistake to urge cell phone precaution — Andrew Geller Online
• Say What? CDC Flip-Flops on Cell Phone Danger — Public News Service
• San Francisco Cell Phone Labeling Ruling Could Have Far Reaching Effects — CBS
• Precaution or Paranoia? Berkeley May Require Cancer Warning Stickers for Cell Phones — Cal Alumni Association
• Cities and states consider cell phone radiation laws — CNET
• New Federal Policy Needed For Cell Phone and Wireless Radiation Safety— EMFacts Consultancy/Joel Moskowitz. Fact sheet on needed new policies of cell phone regulation
Technology Companies
• AT&T wields enormous power in Sacramento — LA Times
• Motorola faces bribery probe — New Zealand Herald
Mitigating Exposure
• 5 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Cell Phone Exposure — Time
• VIDEO: Cell Phone Radiation Safety Tips With Dr Sanja Gupta on Anderson Cooper 360 — YouTube
• EWG’s Guide to Safer Cell Phone Use: 5 Safety Tips for Cellphone Use — Environmental Working Group
• Some Tips to Reduce Your Exposure to Wireless Radiation — EMFacts Consultancy/Joel Moskowitz
• VIDEO: Eva and Anderson Play Telephone— YouTube. Cell phone handsets
• Cell Phone Radiation Protection— Cellsafe. Cell phone case that redirects radiation away from the body
• Pong Technology Reduces Your Exposure To Harmful Wireless Radiation— Pong Cell phone case that redirects radiation away from the body
• A Sexy iPhone Case That Shields Your Brain From Radiation— Wired Review of the Pong cell phone case and its safety features
• Alcuni Consigli per Ridurre l’Esposizione alle Radiazioni a Radiofrequenza— EMFacts Consultancy/Joel Moskowitz. Tips to reduce exposure to wireless radiation (Italian)
Source: Thrive Movement
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