Huidkanker: Before the bubble bursts... Paperback – March 2, 2015 by Örjan Hallberg
maandag, 09 maart 2015 - Categorie: Artikelen
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maart 2015
Een nieuw boek met een speciale waarschuwing over het snel stijgende aantal mensen met huidkanker, door de auteur direct in verband gebracht met de toenemende EMV belasting, iets wat Prof. Olle Johansson reeds eerder gegaan heeft.
With this book, the author wants to pay attention to how public health suddenly deteriorated from 1955, and became even worse after 1997. Despite these clear signs, expert authorities seem to be extremely reluctant to try to find out the cause, since large economic interests can be threatened. But now sickness figures pile up to form clear and more disagreeable patterns. The book addresses a number of public health problems, but the clearest warning signal we see today in the rapidly growing skin cancer statistics. In the long run, you will not be able to hide the truth behind thick layers of sunscreen. You just have to hold your breath until the bubble bursts..
Paperback $ 12.51
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