Classic news report: Motorola, Microwaves and DNA Breaks: ''War-Gaming” the Lai-Singh Experiments

dinsdag, 16 december 2014 - Categorie: Artikelen

Bron: .
jan./febr. 1997

The cellular industry has had a long history of ''war games'' to confuse the public about the health risks of cell phone use. Twenty years ago on Dec. 13, 1994, Motorola's corporate communications department wrote a memo to a major PR firm discussing its strategy to reduce public concern about the Lai-Singh experiments which found DNA damage from exposure to low intensity microwave radiation.

... ''I think we have sufficiently war-gamed the Lai-Singh issue, assuming SAG and CTIA have done their homework.''

Tekst overgenomen van . In bovenstaande link een zeer interessant overzicht uit 1997.

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