Health costs of Wi-Fi radiation may outweigh economic boost from free internet access
donderdag, 11 december 2014 - Categorie: Artikelen
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11 dec. 2014
Wireless communications technology seems to be constantly evolving to maximize coverage in as many areas as possible, including inside libraries, office buildings, hotels, restaurants and homes, as well as outdoors on neighborhood streets and even in children's parks. But a growing number of people are reporting health problems related to constant exposure to this electromagnetic radiation, which has been linked to chronic pain, heart murmurs and cancer.
Known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity intolerance syndrome, or EHS, the general condition that marks an extreme sensitivity to these various Wi-Fi signals is believed to affect up to 5 percent of the general population. Sufferers report difficulties thinking clearly, constant headaches, joint and muscle pain, and other debilitating symptoms that are only mitigated when Wi-Fi exposures are reduced or altogether eliminated.
Mary Coales, a 63-year-old former tour guide and Cambridge graduate, is one such sufferer whose life changed completely after developing EHS. Many of the everyday electronics used by millions of people daily cause extreme pain for Coales, who has to wear a special protective coat every time she ventures out in public or takes a walk in her neighborhood.
''The idea of becoming ill because of the technology I'd used for years without previously having any problems is surreal,'' explained Coales to the Daily Mail. ''Before I developed EHS in 2012, I wouldn't have believed the condition existed.''
For Coales, it is a major chore just to go shopping for groceries. Whenever she gets near a source of electromagnetic radiation, whether it be someone's mobile phone or the store's wireless router, she develops extreme pain in her mouth. And with tens of millions of wireless hot spots carefully positioned around her home country of Great Britain, escaping these toxic exposures is near impossible.
''I hardly ever go to public places, and only go to friends' houses if they have switched everything off beforehand,'' she added.
''At its worst, it has felt like I'm being tasered inside my mouth. I've had to change my entire life to find ways to avoid being exposed to wifi and phone signals. Wifi is everywhere now, so it's very difficult to avoid. It's even more difficult to avoid people with mobile phones.''
Tech industry to unveil ''super'' Wi-Fi with greater building penetration, stronger radiation signals
By the end of next year, it is expected that the number of Wi-Fi hotspots in the UK will reach 21 million. During this time, the technology industry plans to unveil a new version of Wi-Fi technology known as ''super Wi-Fi,'' which will have even stronger building penetration and much wider coverage, making it that much more difficult for people with EHS.
Utilizing lower frequencies that are no longer used for television transmission is one way that the industry plans to increase overall Wi-Fi coverage in the coming years. But another way involves upping the transmission power of existing hotspot devices, which in turn will increase the amount of radiation emitted from these sources.
Most existing Wi-Fi transmissions, according to researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, operate in the higher frequency ranges above 2 GHz, which have limited range. In the future, however, lower-frequency Wi-Fi transmissions will allow for much greater range, and thus more problems for EHS sufferers.
''We don't really know exactly how it happens, but, given how sensitive the cells in our bodies are to other types of energy waves... it would be surprising if we weren't sensitive to other kinds of frequency -- such as radio waves,'' stated Dr. Andrew Tresidder, a National Health Service (NHS) general practitioner, to the Daily Mail.
''I hope that, at some point soon, the NHS and Public Health England will be able to reconsider their current stance and start taking it seriously.''
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