Cordless Phone Radiation Alters Heart Rate, New Study Shows

donderdag, 16 oktober 2014 - Categorie: Artikelen

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14 febr. 2010

Cordless phone radiation was studied in a simple, double blind study conducted by Dr. Magda Havas and Dr. Jeff Marrongelle on volunteers in Colorado. The question they asked was: Do DECT phones (a popular type of cordless phone) affect the heart? The answer was a resounding YES.

Voor de video zie bovenstaande link. Verbazingwekkend dat dit soort eenvoudige experimenten niet veel vaker gedaan zijn.

This six-minute video explains in a wonderfully simple way, with abundant visual aids, exactly how the research into cordless phone radiation from DECT phones (Digital Electronic Cordless Telephones) was conducted, and what the results were.

In a simple, double-blind study, Drs. Havas and Marrongelle showed that exposure to non-thermal levels of radiation from DECT phones had a measurable, significant effect on many test subjects' heart rates.

The level of radiation emitted by the DECT phones they used in this study was a mere 0.3% of the U.S. and Canadian safety guidelines, yet it had profound effects. The frequency used in the study, 2.4 GHz, is the same frequency used by wireless routers and microwave ovens.

One of the first things that struck me after watching this video presentation was: Heart rates are very easy to measure, and this study showed a great increase in heart rates in some people due to exposure to cordless phone radiation.

Isn't it probable that there are other negative health effects caused by the radiation from this type of phone that aren't so immediately visible, or easy to measure? People who are electro-sensitive report a variety of very unpleasant effects. What else might be happening, say, on a cellular level?

And what about the toxic stew of dirty electricity which many of us are exposed to from cell phone masts, our own and other people's cell phones and cordless phones (such as from neighboring homes or apartments, or at work), and other sources?

Remember, the level of non-thermal radiation to which the volunteers in this study were exposed was well below Canadian and U.S. ''safety'' guidelines.

For years, people who are electro-hypersensitive have been scoffed at by many doctors and the media. We hope that's beginning to change. We applaud Drs. Havas and Marrongelle for their work. The study described in the video above has been accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal and will be published in the summer of 2010.

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