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dinsdag, 23 september 2014 - Categorie: Artikelen
Bron 1: www.psfk.com/2012/05/transfer-data-through-the-human-body-to-your-devices.html .
15 mei 2012
stond nog niet op StopUMTS
Transfer Data Through The Human Body To Your Devices
Ericsson aims to turn our anatomy into a USB key — a bridge between gadgets with its ‘Connected Me’ technology.
Ericsson has introduced a new technology that turns the human body into a bridge between gadgets, allowing people to transfer data like they would using a USB cord or a Bluetooth connection by simply touching a device.
‘Connected Me’ would enable everyone to easily transmit information, images and codes, providing the ultimate in convenient and secure connectivity.
It uses a technique called “capacitive coupling,” where the natural electrical properties of the human body are used to transmit signals with digital information. So, in the future you could be using your smartphone to pass data through your body to devices such as as electronic locks, printers, speakers and screens.
‘Connected Me’ was introduced at CES in January and at CTIA Wireless last week, and could go commercial as early as next year, with a number of equipment makers considering the technology in their devices. Take a look at the video below to see a demonstration: zie bovenstaande link
Bron 2: www-mtl.mit.edu/researchgroups/mems-salon/xueen_hachisuka_03.pdf .
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