PHONEGATE: Overbelicht en misleid - Wat de mobiele telefoonindustrie niet wil dat je weet

vrijdag, 03 juni 2022 - Categorie: Artikelen

Paperback - 24 mei 2022
Engelse editie door Dr Marc Arazi (Auteur), Dr. Devra Davis (Voorwoord), Mevrouw Regan Kramer

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Ze liegen al jaren tegen je: JE MOBIELE TELEFOON IS GEVAARLIJK!

Meer dan 5 miljard van ons gebruiken mobiele telefoons die we over het algemeen heel dichtbij houden - vanaf zeer jonge leeftijd. Maar de bedrijven die onze kostbare smartphones produceren, hebben ons willens en wetens blootgesteld aan radiogolfstraling die de veiligheidsnormen ver overstijgt. Tot overmaat van ramp hebben sommigen van hen zelfs ingebouwde software die testresultaten optuigt - net als Dieselgate.
Dit schandaal heeft een naam: PHONEGATE.

In 2016 verkreeg Dr. Marc Arazi bewijs dat hem in staat stelde deze fraude aan de kaak te stellen. Met de hulp van dappere mannen en vrouwen over de hele wereld – artsen, advocaten, politici, wetenschappers, vrienden en toegewijde vrijwilligers uit alle lagen van de bevolking – vecht hij sindsdien om de waarheid aan het licht te brengen. In 2018 werd de ngo Phonegate Alert opgericht om hen daarbij te ondersteunen.

De kwestie kreeg aandacht in de VS na artikelen gepubliceerd in de Chicago Tribune in 2019 door journalist en Pulitzer Prize-winnaar Sam Roe. Als gevolg hiervan werden in Amerika en Canada de eerste class action-rechtszaken gelanceerd tegen Apple en Samsung.


What the cell phone industry doesn’t want you to know
- The sanitary scandal finally revealed to the world
- Success of the book in France
- Anyone who uses a cell phone will be interested
- Preface by Devra Davis, PhD, MPH

There are more than 5 billion cell phone users in the world and we keep these phones permanently in contact with our body, in our hands, in our pockets or even next to our ears. And this since a very young age! Some of us even sleep with it. The manufacturers have been lying to you for years: YOUR CELL PHONE IS DANGEROUS. Few still know that the manufacturers of our dear smartphones have knowingly overexposed us to the radiation of our phones, by establishing standards and international regulations tailored to their interests, or even against their internal competition, by rigging the software, as in Dieselgate. This scandal has a name: PHONEGATE.

In 2016, Dr. Marc Arazi obtained proof that enabled him to denounce this fraud. With the help of brave men and women the world over – doctors, lawyers, politicians, scientists, friends and devoted volunteers from all walks of life — he has been fighting to bring the truth to light ever since. In 2018, the NGO Phonegate Alert was founded to support them in that task. The issue gained some prominence in the U.S. after Chicago Tribune reports by Pulitzer-prize winning journalist, Sam Roe. Dr. Arazi has addressed the European and Italian Parliaments, the U.S. National Toxicology Program, Environmental Health Trust, and other forums regarding this issue.

fter reading the book, you will be eager to change your habits and especially those of your children. A few simple gestures can protect your health and that of your loved ones. You will also understand why a moratorium is necessary by public authorities in the face of the forced deployment of 5G. We can no longer trust the cell phone industry with our eyes closed!

THE ALERT IS LAUNCHED : Become an actor of change

Dr. Marc Arazi is a French physician, entrepreneur, author, local elected official and co-founder of the NGO Phonegate Alert

Translated from the French by Regan Kramer

Devra Davis, PhD, MPH is President of Environmental Health Trust, a scientific think tank that won after filing a lawsuit against the U.S. FCC regarding their lack of protective safety standards for wireless radiation

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