5G was tested in Russia on humans & animals with disturbing results
dinsdag, 13 augustus 2019 - Categorie: Artikelen
What you are not being told - Dr. Barry Trower & Mark Steele discuss
Bron: envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/2019/08/12/5g-was-tested-in-russia-on-humans-animals-with-disturbing-results-what-you-are-not-being-told-barrie-trower-mark-steele-discuss/
12 aug. 2019
“The USSR experimented on humans and animals with 5G in 1977, 1972 and 1997. A proper military experiment. The humans suffered metabolic problems, ie everything started to fall apart, blood problems, immune system dysfunction, severe medical and neurological problems. With animals, since they were able to dissect them, they found the bone marrow was suffering (which produces the immune system), respiration damaged, enzyme activity damaged, nuclear dna damaged, and the total exposure time was only 15 hours over 60 days. Roughly 15 minutes a day and the levels were not high. Not as high as you are going to get in a classroom.” ….
Dr Barrie Trower
Note: Since posting this people in NZ are asking what can we do? Some suggestions … visit the nz site www.5g.org.nz/ … they have addressed what we can do in NZ. Also Mark Steele from the video, he has a website www.saveusnow.org.uk/ (save us now) & all the detail on how he fought his council in Gateshead in court & won (article coming on that). Note there is a campaign to discredit him & his work which should tell you something. Please ignore the debunking links you will see when you search. If there were anything dodgy with this man Dr Barrie Trower would not be teaming up with him for this video interview. Also visit Josh del Sol’s site, if you go to takebackyourpower.net/ you will find his doco of the same name, an excellent although shocking intro to the shonky science we’re dished out on the so called ‘safety’ of emfs/wi-fi particularly relating to smart meters (if you are new to this or have hitherto believed it’s all good, no problems). When you land at that site you will be alerted to an upcoming online series of teaching (free at the viewing times, you can also purchase these for your own reference later). It screens in late August. Lastly Dr Trower has many other interviews on Youtube that will give you insight into how wi-fi is affecting us already. Particularly our children. 5G he illustrates is a military grade weapon they used for crowd control. Fact. (Here is a 14 minute clip with the essentials from him). EWR
THE VIDEO …. (quoting here from Dr Barrie Trower)
“The roll out already started in Vienna, the unsuspecting people immediately suffered from nosebleeds, cardiac problems, chest pains, fatigue, dizziness, vomiting in fact all of the symptoms of microwave sickness … known since 1932.”
“The USSR experimented on humans and animals with 5G in 1977, 1972 and 1997. A proper military experiment. The humans suffered metabolic problems, ie everything started to fall apart, blood problems, immune system dysfunction, severe medical and neurological problems. With animals, since they were able to dissect them, they found the bone marrow was suffering (which produces the immune system), respiration damaged, enzyme activity damaged, nuclear dna damaged, and the total exposure time was only 15 hours over 60 days. Roughly 15 minutes a day and the levels were not high. Not as high as you are going to get in a classroom.” …. Dr Barrie Trower
This is such important information here I’ve transcribed half of the video in note form (note particularly there are some words that may not be spelled correctly, you will need to listen for yourself). Transcription below.
Here is some detail about how Dr Barrie Trower is someone we should be listening to about the dangers of wi-fi and in particular 5G.
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