IoT 5

woensdag, 20 september 2017 - Categorie: Artikelen

19 sept. 2017

In een Engels forum schreef Kim Horsevad:

The Ultra NarrowBand technology utilised by many of the IoT concepts is actually very interesting from a technical point of view.

By reducing the bitrate and focusing all available transmitter effect into a very small bandwidth (about 100Hz for a 100bps signal) a tremendous range can be achieved with very little transmitter power.

The individual IoT unit transmits with 15 dBm EIRP (30mW), but the Base Station Transceiver has a very sensitive receiver - and is able to decode signals down to -142 dBm. From a purely technical perspective this is a wonderful feat of engineering. From a health perspective this is really troublesome, as this implies that the signal retains decodeable coherent ELF-components down to about 0.0000000000000000063 W antenna input.

The signal strength of a given signal is probably of lesser importance in regard to the signals bioreactivity. The real determining factor of bioreactivity is the level of coherence which can be decoded from the signal by analog (biological systems).

The IoT network beeing implemented in Denmark uses BPSK modulation for the uplink and GFSK modulation for the downlink. Each of these has distinct ELF components.

The uplink signal looks like this when decoded:

Full implementation of this technology has the potential to cause devastation and suffering of biblical proportions.
//Kim Horsevad
Narrowband Internet of Things, Whitepaper, Rohde & Schwarz

In deze laatste link veel info. De conclusie dat deze signalen 'devastating' voor de gezondheid zouden zijn is me niet duidelijk. Met meer coherentie meer schadelijk is iets wat ik begrijp, maar de extreem lage stralingsintensiteit werkt in de andere richting en wat het eindresultaat is lijkt me onduidelijk.

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