Tips for Better Brain Health
woensdag, 15 maart 2017 - Categorie: Artikelen
11 maart 2017
Brain fog and reduced cognitive function are becoming more common in our society. It can sometimes feel like your brain is operating at 70% of normal capacity. I have found that my brain operates at peak performance when I have 1.) a clean, low-EMF environment, 2.) regular detox practices and 3.) my nutrition is optimal for brain health.
In this article, I share the nutrition and supplementation protocols that have worked best for me. After six years of testing many different methods, the following has helped me enter a period where my brain is functioning as well as it did before I became electrically sensitive.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and this is not medical advice. I am simply sharing practices that work best for me after years of trial and error. This may or may not work for you. Please consult a physician that you trust if you have questions. Also read The Better Brain Book by Dr. David Perlmutter and Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss, where he interviews top brain scientists and medical doctors who are doing cutting-edge work on brain function.
The following are my favorite brain supplements and nutrition practices. Note that I cycle through these during the month and often go a few days or a week with no supplementation. I take most supplements with meals.
1.) KetoSports KetoNaCa: I have found that a mostly-ketogenic diet has benefited my brain. The reduction in sugar and excess carbs is highly effective. The KetoSports supplement gives my body ketones without the starvation or high-fat diet needed for ketosis. I take a scoop of this before a writing project or exercise. The results are striking and make the high price worth it.
2.) Quest MCT Powder Oil: As part of a semi-ketogenic diet, I have a morning Bulletproof Coffee (using an amazing Aeropress). With the coffee, I add one tablespoon each of ghee, coconut oil and Quest MCT powder. It tastes great and is all I need until late morning.
3.) Ubiquinol CoQ10 with Mitochondria Support: Mitochondria are the energy source for your brain cells. They are also harmed by EMF exposure. This supplement is one way to give your brain what it needs to repair itself.
4.) N-A-C Sustain: Glutathione is vital for detoxification and reduction of oxidative stress in your brain cells, but it is difficult to absorb as a supplement. N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) helps your body produce its own glutathione, which can help keep your brain clear.
5.) Raw B-Complex: B Vitamins are critical for brain health and energy. This is my favorite source as it comes from whole foods, rather than being derived synthetically.
6.) Critical DHA: We all need more omega-3’s for brain health. DHA supplementation is essential because your body does not produce it. Further, 25% of your brain fat is DHA, so you simply need this for a healthy brain. I like this brand because I don’t taste the capsules at all.
7.) Natural Calm Magnesium: If you have read the excellent book, The Magnesium Miracle, you know how important magnesium is for your overall health. This is an excellent source of magnesium citrate.
8.) Lithium Orotate: This trace element helps protect the brain/nervous system. We no longer get lithium from our food and water, so it can be good to supplement at low doses.
9.) Vitamin D: This is an important supplement for brain health – especially during the winter months. It’s a potent antioxidant. I have taken these high-dose drops for years.
10.) Alpha Lipoic Acid: This is another powerful antioxidant that helps your body produce glutathione. It also binds to heavy metals and can carry them out of your body. Studies with rats show that when used together with Acetyl-L-carnitine, the animals did much better on memory tests and had more energy. Carnitine is a known neuronal energizer and helps detoxify the mitochondria in your brain cells.
11.) Ginko Biloba: Ginko is an antioxidant known to increase cognitive function and memory, particularly for people who are experiencing cognitive decline. My reason for taking this is that it provides some relief from EMF headaches through improved blood flow.
12.) Magnesium Ascorbate: This is the easiest form of Vitamin C that I have ever taken. It provides antioxidant support and crosses the blood-brain-barrier to protect your brain cells from free radicals. I usually put a teaspoon in a morning drink with Bragg’s Raw Apple Cider Vinegar , organic lemon juice and filtered water.
Finally, deep sleep is likely the most important practice for brain health. Meditation, stress-reduction, epsom salt baths and steam saunas really help me wind down at night. I also use blue light reducing glasses when I use a computer after sunset. And, right before bed, I occasionally supplement with either sublingual melatonin, phosphatidylserine (reduces nighttime cortisol – that 4:00 AM wake-up call) or tart cherry juice, which is a potent antioxidant that contains melatonin.
I hope this gives you some nutrition ideas that improve your brain health. Try a few of the above practices that seem appropriate for your needs. Share your experience and methods that work for you below. It will help us all to learn from you. I’ll be updating this page over time as I learn new practices that help keep my brain healthy.
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