Aanklacht tegen 'Health Canada'
zaterdag, 12 november 2016 - Categorie: Artikelen
Bron: olgasheean.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Heads-in-the-sand-pies-in-the-sky-1.pdf
7 nov. 2016
Heads in the sand, pies in the sky
Health Canada denies the proven dangers of microwave radiation*
*from WiFi, cell phones, cordless phones, smart meters etc
A reality check by Olga Sheean
To: Canadian Minister of Health, Dr Philpott and Members of the Standing Committee on Health (HESA)
Dear people: I cannot call you honourable. You have dismissed us, ignored us and betrayed us. You have failed utterly in your sworn duty to protect our health and safety and have, instead, knowingly exposed us to increasing harm. You are not worthy of your office or of our support.
Hierboven het begin van de begeleide brief van Olga Sheean, verstuurd met haar dertien pagina's lange aanklacht tegen 'Health Canada' (zie link bovenaan). Vertaald in het Nederlands zou deze aanklacht volledig van toepassing zijn op de Nederlandse Gezondheidsraad (dus van de commissie EMV van deze raad).
Josh del Sol, die ons deze pdf toestuurde gaf daar het volgende commentaar bij:
1) Speaking truth to power. Olga Sheean has published a powerful 13-page document called, ''Heads In The Sand, Pies In The Sky: Health Canada denies the proven dangers of microwave radiation.''
salsa4.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=wfgqq6%2BqKj7yEPaKYeDY6vHfZjYaMRcR .
With an epidemic of symptoms caused by wireless technology, this PDF sets the stage for individual liability, and can be sent to gov't reps in Canada and beyond. Their negligence is almost beyond belief, but it's real. Government reps have been afraid to see the truth, for what it could mean to their worldview (and careers). My favorite paragraph:
''If you continue to deny the scientifically proven bio-effects of non-ionizing RF/microwave radiation in our environment (to which all Canadians are being subjected, without their informed consent and beyond their control), constituting criminal negligence, reckless endangerment, violation of countless human/constitutional rights and an unconscionable dereliction of your sworn duty as elected public officials, you will pay the price. Your claims of due diligence, ongoing research, protection of public safety etc are so transparently self-serving that they make a mockery of evidence-based decision-making. Your claim that thermally-based SC6 is protective is a political travesty of unprecedented proportion, and a disgrace to your public office, tasked as you are with protecting our health.''
Send Olga's brilliant document and enlighten your favorite public servants today:
olgasheean.com/heads-in-the-sand/ .
Olga Sheean sluit haar aanklacht af met het volgende citaat:
“To carry out compulsory mass exposure to pulsed microwave radiation, without the fully informed consent of the people affected, is in contravention of the Nuremberg Code.”
—Dr Andrew Goldsworthy
en daar hoeft niets aan toegevoegd te worden
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